Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Bengali anyone???
Posted by
knitting knut
9:31 AM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Do you write patterns???
Posted by
knitting knut
10:21 AM
Friday, January 11, 2008
Yarn SALE!!!
So Nanas Knitting Shop has a sale today and tomorrow. I'm up early so I can go get my blood drawn, and a bone density test (I'm old ya' know!) When I get back home, I have just enough time to find all available cash, and a couple checks signed over to me. I hit the bank, cash the checks and I'm off to Nanas!!!
It's a dreary day in Chicago today, 33 with some kind of drizzly/sleet coming down. The drive takes me about 35 min. and my head is spinning before I get there! So much yarn..... and so little money!! I pick out 2 sock yarns (I hear they don't count as part of your stash!! ((SWEET!!)) Sockotta that forms a pattern as you knit. Perfect for new sock knitters, because it looks like you knit that awesome pattern, when all you did was knit!! I got 3 skeins of "recycled silk" yarn.... I don't know why it's called recycled, it looks pretty awesome just as it is!! I'm going to pick up the porcupine, and knit this in the round (pictures of my struggles will follow this project!) I also picked up the softest, slinkiest soft twist rayon that has a whopping 525 yrds in ONE SKEIN!! Yeah!! That will be my next sweater... as soon as I finish the kimono sweater. And while I was waiting in line to find out the total damages for this shopping spree... I spied a basket full of silk.... mmmmmmm silk!! So soft it feels like a cloud! I grabbed the last 4 skeins of a creamy yellow. I don't know what I'll do with that yet either, but I'm sure in my pattern library there is something screaming for silk!!!
There are some very nice ladies at this shop, if you are in the area (or out!) it's well worth a nice drive to go see them!! Even other customers are the most friendly people! On my way out the door, I stop to look at this yarn that had a beautiful shimmer woven in... and that tweed... aaahhhhh.... It will have to wait for another day, after I save up my spare change for a while.
Time to cast on... and on, and on, and on!!!
Thanks Tricia!!! I'll be back!
Posted by
knitting knut
12:08 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Happy Birthday??
So for my birthday last month, my hubby asks me what I want to do. I tell him, I found this awesome looking shop online that is local and I want to go see it and buy some cool sock yarn. So in a blizzard warning, we set off to see the shop. I walk in the door, and can barely breath.... there, upon the walls, is shelf after shelf of the most beautiful yarns I have ever seen.... (darn why did I have to have him with me!) I will have to summon the self control goddess and have her hold me back!! The shop is very nice, with the most helpful women that answer my questions and help me pick out yarn for a project I had seen on their site. Oh, but wait! I wanted to get sock yarn!! They gladly show me the sock yarns and I see it and want it all!!! Summoning the goddess once again, I pick out 2 skeins.. no wait, make that 3 skeins, that will be enough to get me 2 pairs of socks when I am ready to go for it. Dang it, the scarf I want to make isn't a tear off sheet (like the local craft stores) it's in a book! OOoohhhh BOOKS!!! I'll take Scarf style, and omg.. what is that wrap hanging there?? It's fantabulous!! Can I get the pattern and (sneaking a peek at the hubby...) I'll need yarn to make that too!! I walk out of the shop with bags of yarn and books to create the most beautiful things. On the drive home, I have my hands in the bags..... the yarn is so beautiful and soft... I can't wait to get my needles and cast on everything!!!
Exhausted from this trip to the wondrous yarn shop, I take a nap (post surgery does that) and when I wake up my yarn is MIA!!! "Where is my yarn at??!!!!" I ask.... And then the words come from my dh (dear/darn/da*#) hubby... oh, I wrapped it for Christmas.... it is your Christmas present right??
Happy Birthday to me.....
Posted by
knitting knut
9:38 AM
Monday, January 7, 2008
I am sooooo NORMAL!!
I'm relatively new to knitting (2.5 yrs) and absolutely new to blogging! After finding and reading knitters blogs, I can say, I am a NORMAL knitter!! I have to touch yarn. I have enough yarn to wrap the earth twice over, and enough patterns that my grandchildren will never knit them all. Yippee Skippy I am a normal knitter!!
Some lessons I have learned.... frog means to rip out your knitting and start over.... (do NOT put said sweater in the donations bag!!) Buy at least 2 skeins of yarn (preferably 3) when you find something you just have to have!! What can you knit with one skein?? Other than a skinny scarf to go along with the 36 others you have!!
I hope to finish my second sweater in the near future, it's knit in 3 pieces. The back and arms are done (it's a kimono sweater) and the left front piece is finished. The right front I just started adding stitches for the sleeve. So, after finishing (block, and sew) I have to pick up stitches all the way around all openings and knit a ribbed edge. Maybe by spring??
I'm looking for new knitters, especially ones struggling as I am with that little porcupine named "dpn"....
Posted by
knitting knut
11:30 AM