Saturday, February 7, 2009

Designers vs Magazine Contracts

I had no idea this is how this all worked....

Read this:

Then go here (one of my fav designers!)

Thankfully I am more into Interweave than Vogue, and I would rather buy direct from the designer!

Monday, February 2, 2009

How to update your Louet S10 "Older Wheel"

If anyone can date this wheel, I would really appreciate it!! I would love to know how old this baby is.

This post is for anyone out there with an "older" Louet S10 single treadle wheel. I wanted to update mine with all the newer parts out there, but I could find no pictures of how to do this with my dinosaur of a wheel. we go This is what my wheel looked like before I started. Big bulky washers holding the wheel to the back post. I also had to make a spacer for the footman to wheel connection because it wouldn't clear the center bolt on the wheel. Look here:

With some AWESOME help and mad dash emails from Adrian Bizilia at Hello Yarn, I got the main bolt assembly in correctly to take advantage of the bearings in the back post that were covered up by bigasshonkin washers. So now the wheel spins effortlessly. Next comes the footman bearing... booger that it was!!! This is the part you get:

This is how it's supposed to go in. Flat bearing is on the front of the wheel with a white spacer between the bearing and the wheel, then a washer and nut on the back. This presented a problem for me because, as you can see I have this footman with a huge hole in it!! I explained to Adrian, that is a non-issue, I can either plug that hole with a dowl and sand flush, or I can just make a new footman. I opted for the second option and carefully traced my footman on a piece of stock oak we had in the woodshop. I used the belt sander to shape it to the same size as my old footman, but with no huge gaping hole!! Presto change-o: My new footman!!
Now (whew!) That's all done. Now there is one more part I 'm waiting on. It's the footman connector. It's the little cup part that snaps on to that bearing and then I have to drill a teeny tiny hole in my footman to connect it to the little cup and I have updated my dinosaur into the year 2009!!! Yippee!! Then I can start spinning some of that alpaca and llama....
wait.. maybe I need to talk to Adrian about a carder...
let's see what my next check looks like and go from there!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blog Lazyness

Ok It's confirmed. I am a LAZY blogger!! I may be a normal knitter, but I am truly a lazy blogger. I guess it's because I am too busy with my knitting and spinning to spend time on the computer. Ravelry, yes. Blogging? No. I'll continue to update this from time to time, but certainly not on the same level as my cousin over at FatCatCrochet!!

I started a new job at my LYS out in Orland Park. And you will NEVER in a gazillion years guess who was in our shop in December 08. Sandy Wiseheart of Knitting Daily!!! Sadly it was on one of my days off, so I didn't get to see her. She got a pattern for the shawl she did for her Mom, and came in a day later with her Mom to pick out the perfect yarn for the shawl. I did however get to meet her sister who stopped in just about a month ago!

On the spinning front, I ordered new parts for my wheel to get it running in tip top condition so I can spin up the 18 lbs. of fiber I got from a local alpaca and llama farm!!! I'm telling you, this woman said to me in an email "come fill up your trunk" and she wasn't kidding!! Pictures below are just a sample of what I brought home with me.

Time to go get ready, we're meeting up with friends who stood up in our wedding oh so many years ago!!

Happy Knitting/Crochet/Spinning!!