Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hells Bells will it never end?

So my kids come home for spring break sick. Of course being the little germ spreaders they are ,I get sick. Not too bad, little scratchy throat for a couple days, some sinus pain and pressure for 2 days, mild cough, nothing productive or scary (bronchitits=scary) I wake up monday morning not being able to take a deep breath....I'm thinking it's sore muscles from all the coughing over Easter. Tuesday morning, I just can't breath unless they are shallow breaths... so I go off huffing and puffing to the dr. office. He takes one look at me and his eyes go kinda funny looking and he calls for his nurse to come in with the ekg machine, glances back at me and says "I just have to make sure you don't have something life threatning going on here" So I start huffing and puffing a little quicker.... think beginning lamaze :he he he who: he he he who! Too bad I won't end up with a newborn out of this!! :-/ Then it's off for a chest x-ray down the street, and a wait for a call from him. He takes my cell # and tells me he'll call me within 2 hrs. Well he called me back in about 45 min and tells me to head over to the ER to get a ct scan, there is something in my lower lobe of my left lung (and this is what I get for stopping smoking?!?!!) {41 days and counting} Thankfully I didn't have to be admitted, but it still took a little under 8 hrs to come up with a diagnosis of LLLP Left lower lobe pneumonia. Now I don't know about you, but I thought pneumonia comes with a cold... a big nasty sloppy cold, lots of snot, lots of congestion. And it's NOT painful! Wrongo bucko... it can be a slight case of the sniffles that just migrate into your lungs and it is so freaking painful!!! I have had numerous surgeries, spontanious pnumothorax (collapsed lung out of the blue) and I'll tell you I was beginning to think this was another lung collapse! FARK!!! Looking up at God..... Haven't I done enough of this crap already??......

Hey, I guess I am here for a reason.... I must not have knit enough.....

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