Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blog Lazyness

Ok It's confirmed. I am a LAZY blogger!! I may be a normal knitter, but I am truly a lazy blogger. I guess it's because I am too busy with my knitting and spinning to spend time on the computer. Ravelry, yes. Blogging? No. I'll continue to update this from time to time, but certainly not on the same level as my cousin over at FatCatCrochet!!

I started a new job at my LYS out in Orland Park. And you will NEVER in a gazillion years guess who was in our shop in December 08. Sandy Wiseheart of Knitting Daily!!! Sadly it was on one of my days off, so I didn't get to see her. She got a pattern for the shawl she did for her Mom, and came in a day later with her Mom to pick out the perfect yarn for the shawl. I did however get to meet her sister who stopped in just about a month ago!

On the spinning front, I ordered new parts for my wheel to get it running in tip top condition so I can spin up the 18 lbs. of fiber I got from a local alpaca and llama farm!!! I'm telling you, this woman said to me in an email "come fill up your trunk" and she wasn't kidding!! Pictures below are just a sample of what I brought home with me.

Time to go get ready, we're meeting up with friends who stood up in our wedding oh so many years ago!!

Happy Knitting/Crochet/Spinning!!

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