Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dieing, Dyeing, and Spinning out of control.

This is 'my Mandy', she was a great friend and constant companion for my new puppy... who am I kidding, she was a constant companion for ME!!! She passed away peacefully with me petting her, kissing her, and comforting her while they anesthetized her. She was 9 yrs. old, had both knees replaced, had degenerative disc disease, but still chased bunnies in my backyard! She was in heart failure and the vet said we can put her on meds that might work, but she'll be on them for the rest of her life. The decision was made to put her down April 23rd. The day after what would have been my Dad's 73rd Birthday had he lived that long. Dad, meet Mandy....... On Mothers Day, my family asked me what I wanted, and I said I wanted time to dye roving! So that's what I did! I dyed some roving to see what it would spin up like. I have yarn spun, but I figured if I screw it up, at least it's not a huge loss. I used the micro method, and Wilton's icing colorings and played with color to see how they blended. I felt like a kid that just discovered finger paints!! The only thing that kinda freaked me out a little was the popping sounds in the micro. I don't know if it was the wool, the icing/vinegar/water mix, or a combination of them all but something was popping in there! So I did less time (minute and a half) and more time cooling. And this is what I ended up with. Big bold bright colors!! I do like the copper color though. I may go up and see if they have a big honkin jar of that stuff. It has 'light skin tone' on the top of the jar, so it must be a big seller for cake decorators. Anyway, that's what I have been doing since 'My Mandy' passed away.Spinning, and knitting! This is my wheel, it's a Louet S10 older generation. I got her on eBay for $150.00 from a woman in Ohio who had listed it 27 minutes prior to me 'buying it now'! Woot! What a deal!! I have had to replace the treadle/footman connector, and also the leather over the flier brake. But it spins just fine and it was a great price to pay. So if I am not knitting, I am spinning..... out of control.


Linda said...

"Dad, meet Mandy" that is so sweet. What a great way to think about it.
Your roving is SO beautiful! I REALLY have to get up there to visit you and see how it's done.

ShopDaughter said...

Oh honey!!! I'm so sorry! Mandy was absolutely ADORABLE!!! I'm not much of a small dog lover, but that face! I hope you're okay.

And, GREAT job on the spinning adventure! I'm terribly envious! You must come and visit soon! I want to see your projects! Your monkeys are awesome!!